Kara Witthuhn - Christian Family Solutions


Kara Witthuhn

School-Based Counselor

Treatment Focus:

Specializes in serving children, youth, and families affected by trauma, stress, anxiety, and academic, social, emotional, developmental, & behavioral challenges. Kara has experience in providing parenting education, crisis intervention, mediation, psycho-education, and case management.


Kara joined the School Based Counseling team at Christian Family Solutions in the fall of 2022. Kara possesses a BA in Psychology and a minor in sociology with a social work emphasis from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Kara has more than 20 years of experience working with children and families, including foster care support and as an in-home parent educator to families involved in the the child protective services system.

Kara seeks to build a trusting relationship that promotes honesty and vulnerability as she walks alongside others to provide support and encouragement on the journey of growth and wellbeing. Kara additionally seeks to share the comfort and peace that comes with reminders of God’s promises and reassurance of His unconditional love for every one of us.